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Personal Development and Well Being

Including - Relationships and Sex Education (RSE) and Mental Health and Well-Being

At Carterhatch Infant School, our vision – The best start in life – no excuses – no compromise and our values; Challenge, Resilience, Perseverance and Kindness; underpins our commitment to supporting and developing the positive mental health and well-being of our school community (children, staff and families).

We believe that as part of our wide and varied curriculum PSHCE is fundamental in our aim to develop children who are healthy, happy and confident individuals. From Nursery to Year 2 we embed the opportunities, knowledge and skills to create a physically and mentally healthy lifestyle, both now and in the future.

At Carterhatch Infant School, we are committed to promoting positive physical and mental health in our day-to-day school environment to support and reinforce children’s academic achievements and physical developments, through improving well-being and enabling children to thrive and reach their full potential. The development of children’s physical health and well-being is integrated into our daily practice, through the Daily Mile and regular P.E sessions. Children also access an active curriculum in more academic subjects such as English and Maths. Physical activity and healthy eating is a priority within our school and educates children to make healthy lifestyle choices.

Over the year children have access to:

  • Daily Mile
  • Sports competitions and festivals in partnership with other Enfield schools.
  • Healthy balanced lunches
  • Healthy Living Week
  • Explore and Learn in an active way.
  • Curriculum led activities on diet, exercise and self care.
  • Weekly PE sessions
  • A variety of extra curricular sports clubs – football, dance, gymnastics.
  • A range of fund raising events.
  • Gardens for children to grow their own produce
  • Forest School

The children's social, emotional and mental health is treated with as much priority and importance as their physical health, through the regular and consistent planning and teaching of PSHCE (PSED in EYFS). To support our children’s mental and emotional well being we provide a safe, open environment so they feel secure enough to express themselves, their feelings, concerns and achievements. This encourages reflective learners who are able to adapt and respond to challenges.

In Nursery and Reception, we deliver the PSHCE curriculum based on the framework for the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS), implemented through planned and purposeful play responding to each child’s emerging needs and interests, guiding their development. Much of the Personal, Social and Emotional Development (PSED) is taught in cross-curricular in the moment experiences to meet the child’s individual learning needs, however they participate and learn about the important issues and themes that occur throughout the school calendar.

In Years 1 & 2, PSHCE is taught weekly providing opportunity for discussion, debate and time for reflection. Children are expected to complete a well-being journal to record their learning and individual pupils’ reflections on a wide variety of topics. Throughout the academic year the KS1 PSHCE curriculum covers three main strands of skills; Relationships, Health and Well-being and Living in the Wider World. Each strand is broken down and taught across the year linking with relevant times within the school calendar.

Topics within each strand are broken down as follows:


Health and Well-being

Living in the Wider World

- Families and Friendships

- Safe Relationships

- Respecting Ourselves and others

- Physical health and Mental Well-being

- Growing and Changing

- Keeping Safe

- Belonging to a community

- Media Literacy and Digital Resilience

- Money and Work

Relationships education focuses on giving children the knowledge they need to make informed decisions about their wellbeing, health and relationships. These areas are covered at an age-appropriate level, focussing on the importance of relationships, including consent. Schools also have the option to decide whether children are taught sex education, this is NOT taught at Carterhatch Infant School due to the age of our children and the stage of their development.

The RSE policy is reviewed annually and staff, parents and Governors are consulted in the development and delivery of the RSE curriculum.

In addition to and alongside the strands of the PSCHE curriculum, the Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural values and experiences are planned for and taught to ensure a well-rounded curriculum.

There are regular assemblies where children’s achievements are recognised through our Carterhatch Learning Friends:

Challenge Chico Kindness Kai Perseverance Polly Resilience Ruby

In addition to these lessons and assemblies Carterhatch Infant School holds a variety of themed days/weeks over the year to highlight important issues such as Mental Health, Charity, Bullying and Online Safety.